Multiped data logger development supported by MKB-Katalysatorfonds

Development of Multiped data logger supported by MKB-Katalysatorfonds
On Friday 27 November 2020, Alderman Jan Nederveen visited MSA-Service together with representatives of the MKB-Katalysatorfonds Drechtsteden. This visit was in honor of receiving a contribution from the MKB-Katalysatorfonds Drechtsteden. This contribution will support the development of a prototype data logger maritime industry.

This innovation that MSA-Service is working on behind the scenes is suitable for both small implements and large installations. The advisory committee sees potential in this innovation of the company because of the combination of various signals and systems in the data logger called Multiped, especially in failure analysis.

Innovation maritime industry

Many ship/process automation systems and machines have a wealth of measurement data, because they are equipped with sensors. Yet, in practice, most of the time these data are not used optimally according to Machiel 't Hoen, owner of MSA-Service. "One of the reasons is that the data comes from different, not connected, data sources. Think for example of engines, pumps and measuring instruments, navigation equipment. In addition, many datalog solutions are cloudbased, while the available internet bandwidth in the maritime industry is limited. With the Multiped, the universal datalogger, MSA-Service offers the user on location a gathering place for all existing process and machine data. Important in the development of the prototype is that, in addition to accuracy and stability, it meets high system requirements in terms of temperature, vibration, safety and is suitable for both small implements with few signals to large installations (such as ships) with many thousands of signals."

On-site data collection

Innovation and making the economy more sustainable are spearheads to further strengthen the economic strength of the Drechtsteden region. Alderman Jan Nederveen: "It's great to see how MSA-Service is innovating especially in these times, combining high-tech knowledge with the operational maritime process and seeking cooperation with other companies in the region."

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MSA-Service B.V.

Houtschelf 1
3371 KB Hardinxveld
Kvk: 24387658

MSA-Service Noord B.V.

Zeppelinstraat 17-8
7903 BR Hoogeveen
Kvk: 63412489